Ο δημοσιογράφος Timothy Charles και οι διασώσεις παιδιών στην Νέα Υόρκη (VIDEO).

Ο δημοσιογράφος Timothy Charles και οι διασώσεις παιδιών στην Νέα Υόρκη (VIDEO).
Ο δημοσιογράφος Timothy Charles και οι διασώσεις παιδιών στην Νέα Υόρκη (VIDEO).
Το Παγκόσμιο Αντίδοτο.

Ο δημοσιογράφος Timothy Charles και οι διασώσεις παιδιών στην Νέα Υόρκη (VIDEO).

Ο δημοσιογράφος Timothy Charles Holmseth, στα παρακάτω τρία βίντεο μας εξηγεί τι συμβαίνει με τις διασώσεις, σε ένα παραλήρημα διαλόγων.

Μαρτυρίες για το τί συμβαίνει στα τούνελ, τις διασώσεις παιδιών και άλλα, σε τρία βίντεο που αξίζει να δείτε.

Σύστημα μυστική βάση δεδομένων για παραγγελίες βρεφών.

Επίσης είναι πολύ σημαντικό να σας πούμε, ότι ανακαλύφτηκε βάση δεδομένων, που καταγράφει τις εγκυμοσύνες. Δηλαδή καταγράφει τις εγκύους μητέρες, και φυσικά τα  χαρακτηριστικά των εμβρύων που κυοφορούν.

Δηλαδή, όταν μια μητέρα πάει για εξέταση και ο γιατρός διαπιστώσει ότι είναι για παράδειγμα έγκυος, τότε και με κάποιες εξετάσεις που πάντα γίνονται, καταγράφει το φύλλο του παιδιού, τα γενετικά χαρακτηριστικά του και φυσικά όλα αυτά τα δεδομένα περνιούνται σε μια βάση. Από την στιγμή δηλαδή που το έμβρυο έχει πάρει σχήμα και έχει βρεθεί η ομάδα αίματός του.

Αυτή η βάση χρησιμοποιείτε για τους παιδόφιλους και όλους αυτούς που ψάχνουν όργανα, κάνουν θυσίες παιδιών κτλ και έτσι γνωρίζουν, τι παιδί θα γεννηθεί και πότε.

Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, κάνουν τις online παραγγελίες τους και όταν η μητέρα γεννήσει, τότε με επιτήδειους τρόπους της παίρνουν το μωρό, προφασιζόμενοι διάφορες αιτίες.

Θέλει ένας παιδόφιλος, ένα κοριτσάκι ή αγοράκι, με συγκεκριμένα χαρακτηριστικά, εάν δεν υπάρχει, το βάζει σε παραγγελία (backorder) και όταν διαπιστωθεί ότι πάει να γεννηθεί, αυτό, τότε προετοιμάζεται το παράνομο κύκλωμα, έτσι ώστε να φροντίσουν, το βρέφος να πάει στα χέρια αυτού.

Είναι ένα σύστημα online παραγγελιών, κατά το οποίο μπορούν να εξηγηθούν πολλές εξαφανίσεις βρεφών από τα νοσοκομεία.

Αυτό βέβαια γίνεται παγκοσμίως.






Ποιός είναι ο Timothy Charles Holmseth.

Είναι βασικό να πούμε ότι ο Timothy Charles Holmseth είναι βραβευμένος δημοσιογράφος και ερευνητικός δημοσιογράφος. Είναι μάρτυρας του FBI σε υπόθεση απαγωγής εθνικού προφίλ. Πήρε απατεώνες παιδιών της CIA και του FBI σε ταινία που συζητούσαν τις δραστηριότητές τους. Έχει στοχοποιηθεί για μια δεκαετία. Το 2019 ο Timothy Charles Holmseth έγινε μέλος της Ειδικής Ομάδας Παιδαγωγών του Πενταγώνου. Ο Timothy Holmseth είναι ο μόνος δημοσιογράφος εξουσιοδοτημένος να αναφέρει πρωτότυπο περιεχόμενο για το PPTF. Υπάρχει ένας άνθρωπος μεταξύ του Timothy Holmseth και του προέδρου Trump.


Βίντεο Α’


it looks like it looks like I’m live

here’s why this is a pain in the ass

folks you folks are populating over on

the left-hand side of my screen which is

so I get little pop-ups and what happens

is I can’t read what you’re saying cuz

the pop-ups cover them up so what I do

is I try to act some out and then I lose

the video altogether so I really am half

I’m not gonna have an easy time reading

your comments but that’s alright I’m

just gonna go ahead and get started I’m

a minute in here this is Timothy Charles

home Seth on the road with the Pentagon

pedophile task force and I’m not gonna

stay on here too long because the

problems that we have with these videos

I I just want to let everybody know that

go to Timothy Charles home set calm and

you will see where I published it it is

a fact that under the tents in Central

Park in New York they are in fact

treating babies and small children go

ahead and read it it’s a quote from a

doctor as I came in his first name is

dr. 10 penny and go ahead and read it

you’re gonna see that he he he told a

machine that they’re using under those

tents and if you go you’ll see it all

there but it’s a machine that’s only

used for respiration problems with

infants and small children that’s it and

I already on I already let everybody

know way back because I already knew

what was going on but these things take

time so that’s what’s going on under the

tents its babies and children and think

about it folks you don’t set up a tent

city in the middle of soggy ass central

part that it’s all muddy and everything

you don’t set up a tent city they said

that it was for overflow from

coronavirus no no what it is is they’re

there they’re bringing babies and

children up from underneath the ground

where they were being held

you know captives for crimes against

humanity everything you can think of sex

slaves adrenochrome production selling

their organs some of the kids are there

they’re horribly deformed their eyes

didn’t develop their ears didn’t develop

they’ve never seen light I’m not going

to get into all the gory details I’m you

can use your own imagination for the

horror but that’s what’s going on under

those tents you can use your own

imagination for the horror but that’s

what’s going on under those tents in New

York and I’m supposed to deliver that

information to you and now everybody

it’s your job okay the Pentagon

pedophile task force we are risking our

lives to do this um they have hits out

on us and we’re doing it anyway and

we’re not gonna stop but now folks it’s

your job America in the world it’s your

job to spread these links the president

tells you as much as he can at his

briefings he’s telling you as much as he

can if you listen to what he says well I

just told you what’s going on

also watch around the country watch for

the earthquakes when you see the

earthquakes it’s not really an

earthquake is it they’re blowing up deep

underground military bases and you know

underground facilities where they’re

keeping these children hot you know

where they’re where they’ve got hell on

earth set up underneath us so gosh

Facebook went and changed all this god

it’s annoying I usually try to

communicate with you folks a little bit

but I if I click on anything I lose the

video and I can’t see what you’re saying

yeah the Facebook changed it sucks I’m

trying to think if there’s anything else

at that the main thing was that also the

fake news mainstream media is just in a

full-on blitz of trying to they’re

trying to distract you with other

bullshit you’ll see some of that on my

Timothy Charles home set calm as well

you know doing stupid bullshit like

driving having little parades go by

where teachers are waving out the window

at kids just stupid shit and you know

talking about how their lives and I I me

me me the people that they they

ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ:  Οι μαζικές συλλήψεις και η απελευθέρωση του κόσμου είναι γεγονός

interview it’s all about them

they act like they love children but

yeah not the children that are being

tortured on they’re raised in

electrified cages they sold for sex

they’re sold for blood they drink their

blood they sell their organs oh yeah

that’s not a big deal but let’s hold a

parade so these teachers can all what

watch some of the videos is so freaking

retarded that I can’t even it’s it’s

indescribably stupid yeah yet that’s

what you’re getting from the fake stream

media when in fact it’s all about babies

and you’ll also see on there that I put

a challenge out there let’s see if

anybody in the mainstream media in the

in the press in the White House press

let’s see if anybody wants to ask

President Trump

live as president Trump live during the

when he’s doing one of his coronavirus

updates ask him live if babies have been

found underground raised in electrified

cages because they torture him this is

what they’re creating mind-control

slaves but asking and I asked him if our

children are being brought up from

underground just ask him I challenged

the mainstream media my name is Timothy

Charles on south

I’m with the Pentagon pedophile task

force and I am challenging you anybody

in the mainstream media particularly the

press at the White House with but the

presser is live ask the quest

Trump the question if babies have been

found in electrified cages and if

they’re being brought up from

underground in Central Park in New York

asking or I also challenge you the

mainstream media to ask President Trump

if he knows about Q or who Q is or does

President Trump have any comments about

Q ask him that because I’ll tell you

what folks they’re not gonna do it you

want to know why because this is all

true this is all real they cannot

survive the answer if they ask President

Trump that question the worst thing in

the world had happened to them and

that’s his answer so I’m gonna end it

with that it’s babies it’s all about the

babies that’s all it’s been about

support and pray for our military these

guys are fighting a real war folks

they’re dying there’s a real bat there’s

battles going on if they don’t just go

in and do it it’s not like you think the

other side fights back they have guns

too they got weapons ed people haven’t

even seen there’s a real war going on

under your feet the good guys are

winning they’re saving all of our

children pray for the United States

military pray for general Milley and

pray for President Trump and the best

most wonderful brave first lady that our

country has ever had ever had and I

known so help me I know so that’s all I

have to say folks I love you this is

Timothy Charles HomeSense with the

Pentagon pedophile Task Force

Βίντεο Β’

alright alright it says I’m live

Facebook kind of has a new set up on

this and I don’t like it there’s trace

Remington I hate race okay so it’s

working looks like it’s worth it

I’m probably waiting another 15 seconds

and alright alright so hello everybody

this is Timothy Charles home Seth on the

road with the Pentagon pedophile task

force and I’m just stopping here to to

give you a quick update on the situation

with the children underground under

Central Park in New York first thing I’m

gonna tell you is if you come across

anybody out there who’s trying to tell

you that that’s not what’s happening in

Central Park under those tents they’re

lying to you and they are probably with

the traffickers themselves they’re

probably involved in it if they’re

overtly telling you that I’m lying that

I don’t do this for my health this is

bad for my health of anything all right

such as I’m just gonna give you a few

updates I’ve got more information coming

to it but I’m gonna give you what I know

so far up until now I reported that you

know it was like

35,000 children across the United States

that have been saved from these

underground bunkers and bases the number

now for my sources is around 50,000 is

what I’m being told here’s the deal with

the little kids and what’s coming up out

of bomb underneath those tents in

Central Park is they’re bringing

children up but the problem is is the

babies and the children are dying when

they get to the top um it has something

to do with oxygen and they do they’re

not all dying but a lot of them are

dying and so it’s really hard they got

two tents set up in a certain way and

another thing is that there’s these kids

and these babies cannot even be exposed

in the Sun for a second um they’re just

dying it’s killing them because they’ve

lived underground in this thing in the

pitch dark down there and so what I’m

told is they’re trying to actually get

the ventilators down to the children

down there but then there’s a problem

with electricity because I guess

electricity isn’t that’s a problem

trying to hook all these ventilator they

got it because they have to almost like

start working on that on the children

before they even bring them up because

they’re dying I got a note here in my

own note no I can’t I can’t read my own

notes anyway well anyway that’s that’s

pretty much the update on the kids

um there’s there’s more tunnels um

there’s first of all there’s tunnels

being the the US military is going into

these tunnels and bunkers all over the

countries to just watch the earthquakes

where you see there’s earthquakes those

aren’t really earthquakes they’re

blowing those dumbs up and there’s more

tunnels than is being reported there’s

more the Pentagon pedophile Task Force

for one we’ve located

or there’s more and also coming soon

you’re gonna learn about probably a

great deal of the source of a lot of

these babies and children in New York

the problem is what the what our task

force discovered is if we release it

it’s a problem it’s being worked out but

if we release it it’s probably gonna

cause riots um that’s its gig it’s


its global but if I get into the details

we’d anyway we got to work that out

ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ:  Κορονοϊός: Απαγόρευση κυκλοφορίας με πρόστιμα !

that’s coming soon though we know how

they did this how they got moe how they

get a lot of these babies and kids and

children and it involves CPS so that’s

what I’m gonna say for now um yeah I

just wanted to jump on and let you know

that that that’s what’s going on the

babies are dying when they get them up

that’s what’s happening so they’re

really really really trying so it’s a

military operation oh the other thing I

was going to tell you is the detractors

out there that try to tell you that only

the Department of Justice or law

enforcement in the United States covers

things such as this they’re deceiving

you because here’s the deal the the

reason the Pentagon pedophiles have the

reason that the military’s involved and

that’s where our information goes to it

goes to military generals I know their

names folks these these generals that

are doing this

I mean don’t don’t be don’t get don’t

let my detractors and those Liars

Buffalo you this is really happening

there uh the issue its jurisdiction the

military absolutely does have

jurisdiction on this because we’re in a

war and right now

President Trump is now the commander in

chief as you know and we are in a war so

we’re in a war he’s a commander in chief

in the military is executing military

actions they do have jurisdiction under

the surface of the earth even on the

continental United States because that’s

where the kids are I mean think about it

they’re not gonna send the FBI down into

in the tunnels these guys are specially

trained and even so there’s a war going

on there fight they’re killing each

other down there

so absolutely pray for our soldiers um

and pray for President Trump

pray for Melania pray for general Milley

and just and all of our military ah I

think I think I’ll probably leave it at

that so I don’t lose this internet

connection and pray for the babies right

now the numbers fit like 50,000 there’s

gonna be more untold I’m told there’s

way more than that we’re finding more

tunnels oh the other thing is is all

these tunnels these aren’t all tunnels

that are necessarily appearing on the

maps either like the dumbs appear on the

maps mostly but there’s a lot of tunnels

that are being found in the more local

areas that were created by local

governments and that type of thing too

in town cities all these freaks set up

their own little dungeons underneath

their own little town so there’s way

more and this is gonna go on for a while

um but god bless our military we’re

winning we’re winning President Trump is

the commander in chief now the military

is answering to him they know exactly

what they’re doing don’t be bullshitting

by the liars who are trying to tell you

that using words like whole porn and and

telling you that you’re being lied to

but because somebody’s giving you hope

oh you can have more than hope you watch

a president he knows exactly what he’s

doing the first lady knows exactly what

she’s doing

the generals know exactly what they’re

doing and I’m gonna leave it at that so

I don’t lose this connection god bless

you folks see I can’t see this is

Timothy Charles home south with the

Pentagon pedophile Task Force over and

out love ya

Βίντεο Γ’

all right Sharon Owens Julie Turner

Thornley looks like it’s working I’ll

probably I’ll be wait another 30 seconds

or so to let it populate and I apologize

in advance if I don’t answer people’s

questions but the problem is is that

Facebook switched their thing around so

pop ups come and they get in the way of

the questions on the question on the

panel that little pound I wish they

wouldn’t have done that

um Angeles if didn’t afternoon Timothy

well Angela where we’re at about a

minute so I’m I guess I’m probably good

to go here okay this is uh Timothy

Charles home sets on the road with the

Pentagon pedophile task force um human

back to you again today I did an update

yesterday on the the the children that

are being rescued from underneath

Central Park in New York I did a update

yesterday by a little more information

first of all yesterday I I couldn’t read

my own notes yesterday and one of the

things that I forgot to report that it’s

actually pretty important is my

understanding from sources is that the

children that are underneath down there

under those tents you know under in

Central Park under Central Park there’s

like five generations so this isn’t just

some kids that were kidnapped just a

couple kids or there’s thousands and

thousands of them but it goes back like

five generations so this is a

generational thing this

this didn’t just happen yesterday this

has been going on for decades and

decades and decades and that’s very

important because that’s why you’re

seeing some of the horrible results or

some you know the effects on these

babies and children um

so there’s that and then I’m getting a

I’m getting a lot of requests people

that are responding to this everybody

wants to see pictures pictures pictures

pictures everybody’s asked for pictures

well first of all folks

we are not going to release any

photographs of any tortured children

because first of all there’s child

pornography laws and most of these kids

have been sexually assaulted for one

thing but another thing is there’s HIPPA

laws those are laws that govern the

release of medical information and

there’s also just plain old good

old-fashioned good taste and we’re not

here to satisfy anybody’s freaky little

lust to see the pictures of this stuff

it’s not the point the point of this is

to get the message out because from from

after I put it out to you it’s it’s all

your jobs as digital soldiers as general

Flynn called us to get that out you got

to spread it you got to spread this

virus this positive virus this virus of

information is what we need to get out

into the bloodstream of the United

States and the world no um but I was I

brought up pictures somebody sent me a

picture and I put it up on Timothy

Charles homes.com and it is a picture of

ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ:  Κορονοϊός. Ζωντανός πίνακας κρουσμάτων και θανάτων παγκοσμίος.

an abuse baby and don’t even go look at

it if you got a weak heart or anything

like that um but I because it was

already published I decided that that

little baby’s life in agony um doesn’t

need to be in vain so I used the picture

to show you the picture of an abuse

rights it’s an infant folks now what you

got to understand about these

Luciferians and these monsters that hold

these kids don’t underground is what

the things that they do during the

rituals is they’ll sodomized a newborn

infant or a small baby or child to death

and um so now you’re gonna see a picture

of a baby that has two black eyes I want

to make it very clear I do not know the

background of what abuse happened to

that baby in that picture that you’re

gonna see at Timothy Charles homestead

calm I don’t know

but however the the two black eyes thing

is something that I want to tell you

about what that really is when you see a

small baby or a small child with with

two black eyes you know it looks like

that but then you look at their nose it

doesn’t look like their nose is broke

and you wonder like well what happened

little kids can’t get into a fight and

their dad punch them in the face or not

always what you’re seeing is they call

it panda eyes no that’s caused by um

sodomy of a very small child or an

infant it’s there the blunt force

pressure of sodomy on a small tiny body

like that causes their eyes to become

black and I’m not a doctor but I’m

guessing it’s probably just from

probably brakes the blood vessels in

their eyes from the pressure um in fact

there was something was sent to me um so

I’ll go ahead and read this this was

sent to me it’s a description of what

they call panda eyes panda eyes is a

pedophile slang for child sodomy when a

child is forcibly sodomized its eyes can

well two black circles due to the blunt

trauma involved making their eyes look

like that of Panda there’s a peril

selling online that says panda eyes on

it for the pedo community as well as

many pedophile pedophile is joking about

this online with each other talking

about kids so I’m not gonna read all

that you can go to my I put that on the

webpage with the baby and then there was

something else that yesterday I covered

the fact that the babies are dying

though when they’re trying to bring them

up under Central Park and not just

Central Park with this is

actually happened in California and all

over the United States there there our

United States military is rescuing kids

right now as we speak every day every

day but usually at night and one of the

problems is is the babies are dying when

they come up and I was told that by a

high-level source but I wasn’t giving

any of the medical information my source

didn’t know that but I received a very

interesting email today by it by a

person they find credible and I’m gonna

read what she told me about that ah now

the way that that I absolutely know make

sure the still okay is that doctor

Tenpenny who is running that operation

said that he said they were using this

particular device and when I looked up

that device the device is only used for

respiratory problems in infants and very

small children so I already knew it was

babies and children but I don’t know if

that was an accident or what but the cat

got out of the bag when dr. Pitts when

they reported that in the New York Times

now here’s what the lady said about this

thing called ECM you that’s the machine

it’s only used for babies

she said I’ve worked as ECMO that’s

what’s called ECMO you’ve you confirmed

what I heard medical staff reporting

yesterday the problem is the baby’s

veins are not strong enough for the ECMO

and it will blow the veins the issue is

very similar to deep-sea divers think of

how a diver has to come up slowly and

what happens to the divers blood and

oxygen in the blood it brought up too


hyperbaric chamber may be a better

option is there a way to build them

underground at different levels bring

them up from the underground at

different levels and bring kids up

surfaced in levels another way to look

at it would be mountain climbers they

have base camps as they make their

ascent any experts in these fields of

expertise may be worth consulting most

of your medical medical military staff

are not trained enough in dealing with

oxygen levels and changes as such great

depths except Navy so think how to deal

with these issues after prolonged II

percent this this will be key to helping

these kids and saving their lives so

thank you to the source that set those

items the one with the panda eyes

and the source that sent the deal with

the with the the oxygen and I just want

to put out a quick thank you to those

who have gone to Timothy Charles home

SOUTHCOM anybody that has sent me money

by paypal thank you very much this is

what it’s going to this is my life now

and I also want to encourage everybody

to think of United States Marine feel

McConnell he was kidnapped by the

Broward’s Broward County cabal in

Florida and this is the stuff he was

reporting on folks this is where he was

going when they grabbed him so pray for

him pray for field he’s an American Hero

Phil McConnell’s American hero and pray

for the greatest president in the

history of the United States Donald J

Trump his beautiful lovely brave wife

yet general Milley and all of the

American heroes special forces and

soldiers that are saving these children

and giving us back our Constitution

Timothy Holmes says with the Pentagon

pedophile task force over and out

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