Coronavirus: All the Truth That Wouldn’t Tell You in Systemic Media

Corona Virus and Pedophilia.
Corona Virus and Pedophilia.
Το Παγκόσμιο Αντίδοτο.


The coronavirus, the dirty circuits of pedophilia and how adrenochrome is produced.

Coronavirus – What We Need To Stay At Home.

Since mid-January 2020, news has become more intense in the Greek media about the Coronavirus.

Increasingly, as time went on, we were seeing on television, how pervasive it is, and of course, all this terrorism that is still bombarding us, to this day, whatever we do.

Media, mobiles, posters, updates … Everywhere we come across instructions to guard against the “deadly” coronary virus. With enormous zeal, unprecedented for data, suddenly the state wants to protect our health.

Who? These? This state that wants us slaves, that has bankrupted us, wants to make you owe air, cuts your water supply, has all the state machinery, to cause you stress and serious problems?

Remember that most deaths worldwide are from heart attacks, strokes, and stress-related deaths. Who are they? But of course “ELIT”.

Dr. Eric. A video to watch.

See how many deaths from various other illnesses and incidents worldwide per month from Dr. Eric.

Worldwide deaths per month. Table by Dr. Erik.
Worldwide deaths per month. Table by Dr. Erik.

Now what about the issue of coronavirus?
Each week they make guarding measures stronger.
They banned social events, closed down crowded venues (theaters, cinemas, stadiums, schools, etc.) and pushed for strict restrictions on citizens as soon as universal traffic was banned. Of course with heavy fines to offenders.
They get doctors, scientists, various actors to talk about the channels, informing us about how bad this virus is. Coronavirus, or Coronavirus.
Why all this?

It’s simple. They want us to stay in our homes.

No need to panic. It needs understanding.

But why would you ask, since they don’t want our good. But who told you it’s their decision? In so many pandemics, has anything ever been the case?

Think ?

Have you ever been locked in?

Below I have put the pandemics that hit the world, completely by accident, in the pre-election period.


Here’s a list of the most numbered deaths worldwide,

Ετήσια περιστατικά θανάτων από τον ΠΟΥ.

Do you ever remember if they applied restrictive measures like they do now?


All we were told by the media was to watch and see our doctor for preventive exams (maybe some I don’t remember but anything to worry about).

People will have to stay in their homes. NO to the corona.

The coronavirus does exist, but it is more powerful than just the flu!

Corona virus low threat. Corona virus low threat.

So what’s going on?

For thousands of years, on Earth, there is what we know as Good and Evil.

The evil sequel is trying to destroy humanity. Wars, hunger, poverty, sickness, slavery, and everything else you can imagine, always with a cover and an excuse for all this, so that one cannot think above and look for the real causes.

Take some time out of your daily routine and watch this video, so you can relate various events that have happened.

Video. “The Hidden Story of the Incredibly Satanic Chazarian Mafia (Documentary).”

The future of the Satanic Chazarian Mafia Rothschild will most likely be determined by all of us who are now learning about its secret and forbidden existence, which has been removed from both History books and libraries so that it will never be disclosed.
If Satanic Chazarian Mafia were able to operate in complete secrecy, it would attack from all sides and destroy everything.
So share this story with your family, friends and co-workers and spread it. So deprive them of their privacy by exposing their secret history so that all People will know and understand what it is.
That is why the Chazarians have worked so hard at acquiring and controlling media and public education, including colleges and universities, to ensure that people will never learn about their secret, inhumane satanism. If the people of the world learn about it, they will unite and attack them from all sides and on every level.

To παραπάνω video , μας το κόψαν και από το VIMEO.

Κόψαν το βίντεο της χαζαρικής μαφίας και καλά επειδή παραβιάζει τους κανόνες.

Our video was cut on youtube … censorship …
To see what happens to the Coronavirus or Covid-19.

This virus was manufactured by the bad guys, the “Deep State” or Deep State and the well-known Bill Gates, in the biological weapons laboratories in Wuhan, China, owned by George Soros.

Corona virus - George Soros. Corona virus – George Soros.

This was the original version of the virus version, which was built to disperse the world and reduce the global population and control the masses.

The first and strongest batch of the virus was stored at the chemical warehouses in Tianjin port in China!

Bill Gates, intended to spread the dangerous virus around the world, so as to greatly reduce the population on Earth. This, of course, was his intention, which he had shown laterally in a speech.

Bill Gates - In support of population reduction, using vaccines.

Bill Gates – In favor of reducing the population by using vaccines.

Remember that Bill Gates, like many rich and famous people, belongs to the “clique”, the “ELIT”, or even the Deep State of Kabal (Cabal).

The Deep State! The Deep State! [/ caption]

On August 13, 2015, there was a huge explosion at the chemical warehouses in Tianjin port in China!

 explosion at chemical warehouses in Tianjin port in China Explosion at chemical warehouses in Tianjin port in China

The Good (Alliance), in the midst of the mighty space weapon “Rods of God” (Rods of God), hit it and destroyed the warehouses that there was the deadly virus. Of course there was also a major disaster, in the long run.

ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ:  Εμβόλια και τρομοκρατία. Η αλήθεια για τα εμβόλια από τον Π. Σκαρλάτο

 explosion at chemical warehouses in Tianjin port in China explosion at chemical warehouses in Tianjin port in China

The Rods of Gods.

The dangerous virus, separated, was stored in 2 places around the world, so it would not be easily found.

They hid him in Australia and America.

After some time and investigations by the White Brotherhood of White Hats , they found the places where the virus was hidden and made an odd modification.

The CoronaVirus virus was in 4 versions , with similar features.

Corona Virus - Covid - 19.
If you look at the composition of the virus, there is also the substance of the AIDS virus – HIV-1, which obviously caused deaths in the elderly.

So the White Hat people added some information or substances better and more simply to the original virus so that it would lose almost all its power and be around 20% of its original power.

In addition to this move, White Hats added some other substances that would be used to easily find and kill all those who drink blood and make use of Adrenochrome.

Adrenochrome - The Elit's super drug. Adrenochrome – The Elit’s super drug.

“Adrenochrome is a compound of the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the adrenaline oxidation. The carbazochrome derivative is a haemostatic drug. Despite the similarity of chemical names, it is not related to chromium or chromium. Wikipedia

Type: C9H9NO3
IUPAC ID: 3-Hydroxy-1-methyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-indole-5,6-dione
Molecular mass: 179.17 g / mol
Boiling point: 115 ° C
Density: 3.26 g / cm3
ChemSpider ID: 21238111 »

Here’s a great bracket.

Evil lives and reigns all over the world for many years. Pedophilia, satanic rituals and human sacrifices have always been a matter of public opinion.

Nothing went out and no further research was done to unravel all the mysteries.

Why, because it was simply a work of ELIT , a work of evil called Cabal .

Keep in mind that every year, according to official data, about 800,000 children are lost and disappeared in America alone.

Exactly what we read in a Google search …

“According to the National Center for Missing and Missing Children, about 800,000 children report missing in the United States each year – that’s about 2,000 per day. Of these, there are 115 cases of “kidnapping” foreign children each year, which means that the child has been abducted by an unknown person. Number of children disappearing each year. Number of children disappearing each year.

And of course the people of Trump knew this too, and when he was sworn in as President of the United States, he had said he would solve the issue.

Below is the video of the swearing-in, listing the changes he wants to bring to America.

Of course things don’t stop there.

It is a fact that the “alliance” – “patriots”, wanting to help the new government, found all the information they wanted to unleash the whole cycle of evil. , of Cabal. All this through the information of the CIA, FBI, NSA, who were the bad guys.

So Trump has had all the material he needs since then.

Of course this didn’t stay hidden in Cabal, where she, in turn, began pushing developments and trying to create problems.

That’s how we got to the construction of the Corona Virus Corona, through Bill Gates.

Note another event that happened a few months ago in Baghdad. Just to get to know it and relate to the events below.

The murder of Iranian General Suleimani.

Suleimani was a major general in the Israeli Corps of Revolutionary Guards in Iran and commander of the Quds Force, which was mainly responsible for military and illegal operations outside of Iran. Described by a former CIA agent as “the most powerful agent in the Middle East today” and the chief military strategist and tactician in Iran’s effort to combat Western influence and promote the expansion of the Shiite influence and Iran throughout the Middle East.

 The Iranian military leader Qassim Suleimani The Iranian military leader Qassim Suleimani

On January 3, under President Trump’s guidance, rockets were fired from US aircraft and killed Iranian General Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad, Iraq.

Trump justified the killing on the grounds that Soleimani was a terrorist who posed a “imminent threat” to American lives. The US Department of Defense said that Soleimani had approved the attacks on the US embassy in Baghdad on December 31, 2019 and was planning further attacks on US diplomats and military personnel.

In this way he intended to start the Third World War for the sake of ELIT

The January 3 drone attacks set off two vehicles carrying Soleimani and his companions. We are told that what was left of Soleimani was his hand in a ring with a large, oval, red stone like the one you see in Soleimani’s countless photographs.

 The Iranian military leader Qassim Suleimani

The Iranian military leader Qassim Suleimani [/ caption]

But, as the Honorable Patriot points out, “Can Iranian General Qassem Soleimani fake his death if someone lends him a hand?”, the red ring on the cut hand is not the same ring as seen in Soleimani’s photographs when he was alive. The silver metallic backdrop holding the red stone is different: the setting on the annular ring is grooved, but the setting is smooth in Soleimani’s photos.

In the Tweeter, Mike Bravo points out that Soleimani’s associates also wear the red Masonic ring.

Το Μασωνικό δαχτυλίδι.
Το Μασωνικό δαχτυλίδι.

Notice that in the picture above, Soleimani wore three similar-looking rings with red oval stones;

Below is a close-up of his two hands:Iranian military leader Qassim Suleimani The Iranian military leader Qassim Suleimani

ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ:  Έρχεται η επόμενη πανδημία. Ο Marburg που είναι ο ενισχυμένος Ebola.

Given that she belonged and sometimes wore several large red rings at the same time, the ring on her severed hand is said to be Soleimani may be one of them. Does this mean that the hand belonged to Soleimani and is finally dead?

Ο Ιρανός στρατιωτικός ηγέτης Qassim Suleimani
Ο Ιρανός στρατιωτικός ηγέτης Qassim Suleimani

Add to the intrigue and mystery is the discovery by the eagle-eyed dead like Mimi B that American personalities (Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks) and political elites (Hillary) Clinton, Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, John Podesta) Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has also been seen wearing rings with a large red stone oval similar to that of Soleimani. (Note: Arnold Schwarzenegger should not be included in the group because the ring he wore had a blue stone.)

Go here for close-ups of Oprah’s red rings.

The Iranian military leader Qassim Suleimani Iranian military leader Qassim Suleimani

What does the red ring mean? Join a secret organization?

According to the La Blingz jewelry website, Soleimani’s ring is a Free Masons ring.

Ο Ιρανός στρατιωτικός ηγέτης Qassim Suleimani
Ο Ιρανός στρατιωτικός ηγέτης Qassim Suleimani

leader Qassim Suleimani

Trump had already designed the business to clear the mafia around the world. Having all the necessary information, he put forward the largest military operation.

Close everything, borders, businesses, and start arrests.

Of course, no one wants to get hurt. That is why all Heads of State have been commanded to “gather” the world in every possible way.

We don’t want to lament innocent by terrorist attacks. The bad guys will do anything to stop it. Like the twin towers hit on 9/11 in 2001 with mini-nuclear heads mounted inside the towers.

These heads were from the stolen nuclear missiles of the Russian Kursk submarine, which sank it on August 12, 2000 and it appeared as an accident.

Το υποβρύχιο Κούρσκ.
Το υποβρύχιο Κούρσκ.

The Kursk submarine.

Adrenochrome - Wuhan laboratories. Adrenochrome – Wuhan laboratories.

From there began the spread of the helpless virus.

In Adrenochrome, they added the virus strain elements. So every adrenaline user had the virus inside him.

From that alone, Trump’s business will find out who is using this drug!

Adrenochrome tainted with covid-19. Adrenochrome tainted with covid-19.

It’s worth noting that users are forced to take this stuff once or twice a month . Thus, with the destruction of adrenochrome laboratories, they begin to have worse withdrawal syndrome than do heroin withdrawal syndrome.

What does the picture below want to explain?


But she too.

ConvFeFe ConvFeFe

It is important to mention that adrenochrome is an important substance and at the same time a highly addictive drug that is known to revitalize body cells and give life. ELIT calls it  “Elixir of Life or Longevity” .

So many celebrities, actors, politicians, and so on, use it to look young and beautiful. Users also experience a distinct sense of euphoria.

Adrenochromes Origin.

Adrenochrome is known as the Serum “Youth Source” . Adrenochrome has been reported to be associated with Satanism or other mystical cults. The cults are extremely secretive and operate their secret organizations. Worship is often deadly bad.

Sacrifices are known throughout history and have been carried out in antiquity. Some of the cultures regularly sacrificed to the people were the Egyptians, the Magi, and the Aztecs. These cultures were deeply inoculated into the Adrenochrome killing, extraction and consumption process.

Adrenochrome - Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome – Adrenochrome.

Adrenochrome is said to remove the lifeblood of the victim and when the consumer swallows the drug, victims are then given the lifeblood.

Adrenal chromium is said to cause mental disorders, deregulation and euphoria.

How is Adrenochrome harvested?

Adrenal Chromium is said to be collected from children who have been abducted under the age of 9 (the drug is more potent). Children need to be more scared to extract strong adrenaline / epinephrine from their adrenal glands. It has the combined effects of both extremely fast speed and LSD.

Adrenochrome - Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome – Adrenochrome.

Adrenaline / epinephrine is rapidly exported as adrenaline is not as strong over time. The blade is sometimes kept alive for many extractions. The way it is done is through a needle punctured in the eye to a secret adrenaline / epinephrine by the brain stem.

Adrenochrome Harvest and the Elite.

Elite is said to own three large child trading circuits around the world, buying and selling children for their own pleasure. Children are heavily consumed as they experience a huge spike of adrenaline from the conjunctival gland. In 2018, NCMEC reports 424,000+ missing children in America each year.

Adrenochrome, torture. Adrenochrome, torture.

Many Elites are essentially addicted. They participate in what is called “Spirit Cooking” and have places surrounding the subject of human sacrifice . These people sacrifice children, eat bodies, drink blood and worship the dark gods. This material tends to be quite addictive. Many who try the drug tend to have a hard time coming out of it.

Adrenochrome - Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome – Adrenochrome.

An early example of Elite and the famous drug is the Al Gore example. Al Gore, while at the airport, was caught carrying suitcases full of blood.

How addictive is adrenochrome?

The compound has various effects on the human brain. Ingestion of this drug can give a psychic high like no other, but it can cause other psychotic reactions such as hallucinations and even cause schizophrenia in some cases.

In fact, Adrenochrome is just as addictive as heroin. There is a risk for this medicine if it is used for recreational use. your adrenaline production is completely shut down through homeostasis and negative feedback loops.

This means that unless a fixed supply of Adrenochrome is given and someone decides to stop using it, they will have very severe withdrawal symptoms. Deprivation symptoms are much worse than symptoms of alcohol, hard-core drugs, opioid needs, or benzodiazepines.

ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ:  Οι μαζικές συλλήψεις και η απελευθέρωση του κόσμου είναι γεγονός

Adrenochrome - Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome – Adrenochrome.

How long does the Adrenaline effect last?

Initially, the effect was discovered by the administration of excess adrenaline preparations containing adrenaline and adrenaline. Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond believe the result is similar to LSD and mescaline (psychotomic, now called psychedelic), an extract from the study.

“Schizophrenia occurred in a person when excessive adrenocortium was formed, so the adrenometer interfered with brain function like LSD and this created its essential stage for formation. schizophrenia “.

Accordingly, the hallucinogenic effect of adrenochrome could last for weeks or lead to reversals and could be accompanied by paranoid-depressive reactions. Putting the thesis on Adrenochrome into mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, may play a role. This “Adrenochrome Case” was later developed in the Aminochromian Case by Hoffer and Osmond.

Related questions.

What do you feel?
Ritual participants will experience a high level of adrenaline, heightened senses, illusion, feelings of euphoria, hyper-mania, disorientation, strange ideology, masturbation and physical deformity.

Consequences of Adrenaline Abuse.

Too much adrenochrome in the body (through blood drinking) can increase the amount of iron in the blood and can prove fatal as the body cannot cope with the sudden increase in ions. In addition, adrenochrome in the brain can cause serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia. Vitamin B3 and nicotinic acid can help reduce adrenal color in the brain.

So, having the list of adreno-chrome users in their hands, the whole clearing of the planet began.

What is a Coronavirus?

The planet is cleansed – Corona is a “cover”

We were told years ago that there would be an event that could quarantine America and possibly the planet in order to make global mass arrests. strong> We were encouraged to have food, water, and supplies. We are also trained to stay calm. Marshall’s law can be applied to deter people from the street while these arrests occur. Schools will be closed, flights will be grounded, airports will be closed, etc.

What did Donald Trump say?

The world is with a hidden war. Trump.
The world is with a hidden war. Trump.


Because people arrested for their involvement in corruption and global pedophilia and human trafficking, crimes against humanity, TREASON, murder, rape, etc. many and affect every aspect of society. These include Hollywood entertainers, NBA and NFL athletes and staff, politicians, pastors, bank executives, corporate executives, school officials, coaches, and educators. Some of the doctors, lawyers, judges, teachers, teachers, police officers and police chiefs, firefighters, business owners, carriers, pilots, bankers, priests and everyday people are arrested for crimes against humanity.

Many of them are involved in misconduct and secret societies, so the masses have not become guilty of their wrongdoings, the Ritual Abuse, Trafficking in Children, Child Hunting , Ritual Murders, Drug Trafficking, Underground Activities at Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) etc …

The reason for the resignations of big executives.

This is why some of us have mentioned a remarkable resignation list for two years. Many people were on the pretext of resignation. They also referred to military courts that started in January 2019. Some of us were watching military courts at c-vine dot com. Corruption is huge. The President of the United States called on the people not to be in the crowd. Another reason, besides sticking with the virus, is that the corrupt leaders of the NDP are on the run. in complete despair, they could take retaliation, knowing that we are involved in a covert operation against them. Be safe.

The planet is being cleansed. Corona virus is a “cover”

While it is true that the NWO deepstate / global powers created the virus and attempted to infect the masses, Trump and the global alliance united the business and used it as cover to capture it. [p style = “text-align: justify;”> world elites, including the POPE and the royal UN family of Hollywood, politicians and elites. The mainstream media will announce that they have stuck with the virus. In fact, they have been arrested.

Keep calm and guard. Those who do not have food and supplies will have the opportunity to get it from neighbors or the military because the troops will probably be there to 1) arrest and 2) keep everyone calm. A traffic ban may apply.

We have also been informed that new monetary policies and our new gold system will be implemented, and trillions of dollars will be raised in the economy, after global mass arrests. Otherwise, these evil beings will once again steal our wealth and win again. Soon, democracy, our legitimate government, will be restored to constitutional law. Be encouraged. Things are finally improving for humanity.

Below is writer and researcher Liz Crockin, who tells us exactly what’s going on. </ span>

Watch the 3 videos and you will understand what the dirt is playing in the world we live in.

*** This topic has not been closed. much of the information will be enriched as more relevant articles are posted on the Slaughter website.

For “SFAGI.GR” – Demertzis Ioannis.

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